Yoga For All


Frequently Asked Questions


What do you mean by Gentle Yoga?

I refer to my yoga classes as gentle because they are slower-paced and less aerobic than many other yoga classes.

I find that one key way to make a class gentler is to reduce the number of times you have to go from floor to standing and back again. For a lot of bodies, that up and down action is a real challenge.

In Evening Wind Down class, we rarely stand at all. Floor poses - lying down, seated, on all fours - are the main shapes we’ll make in that class. You’ll come to class, get down on the mat. While you’ll move around throughout class, you won’t have to stand up again until it’s over.

What’s non-competitive, non-scary yoga?

Obviously only you can decide how you feel about attending this class. I hope that you find it both non-competitive and non-scary. You might have heard of Health At Every Size yoga, body-positive yoga, accessible yoga, or yoga for bigger bodies. My classes are those things, too!

Non-competitive yoga. There is no competition in yoga - at least not in the yoga I offer. There are no prizes for holding a pose the longest or stretching the deepest. There are no penalties for taking a water break or coming out of a pose or skipping a pose altogether. As much as I can, I’ll offer variations of shapes we make so that you can find the right amount of challenge or comfort that suits your body at that moment.

Non-scary yoga. My goal is to create a place where you feel welcome and maybe a little brave. You’re not going to be singled out or told you’re not using “the full expression of the pose.” You’re not going to be asked to do headstands or acrobatic contortions. You can have your camera on or off. You can ask questions in class or email me later.

Do I need props?

I love props. But they are expensive!

I’ll always offer you choices so you can adjust your poses with or without props.

If you’d like to try props, there’s no need to buy right away. You can find the right items at home.

  • Mat… towel or blanket

  • Strap… scarf

  • Blocks… books

  • Bolster.. pillow

  • Blanket… sweater or hoodie